You should have all received an email or notification from Teamer for payment for this years membership. This payment is hugely important as it ensures the cover of you ASA fee and insurance and the fundamental running of the club.
There are two options of payment available as follows:
Competitive - This is for swimming members, who will be taking part in open meets licensed by the ASA.
Non-competitive - This is for members who are swimming for fitness, you may also take part in club championships and Team events (such as the Cotswold League)
If you have not receive a payment request, you may not be registered with Teamer, therefore please follow this link:
Only swimming members need to pay for membership. It’s a little difficult screening all our non-swimming members, so just let me know if I’ve added you by mistake and I’ll remove you from the list.
The membership fee is in addition to your squad fees and must be paid by 30/11/18.
In other news, we have arranged our AGM for 4/11/18 at Wells Leisure Centre in one of the studios. While the AGM is on all of our younger members are invited to a special fun session of Land Training. Please make every effort to attend and engage with the running of our club. If you feel you would like to take an active role in the committee, please feel free to call me before the meeting. We are particularly on the look out for a new Welfare Officer to take over from Emma, who has done an outstanding job in the role for the past two years, but who will be standing down.
Club Champs will be on 10 and 11 November at Cheddar. The shorter distances on the Saturday. Entry forms will be out soon. All of our members are encouraged to take part, it is particularly good for the Development and Cygnets squads to get their first taster of competition in a more friendly and light-hearted environment.
TEAMER is a part of the Pitchero Group